Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Development of Television: While the storytelling medium of a television show may not have changed much, the way people tune in to their favourite programs has. Just 20 years ago, the patent for the first Internet-connected TV was filed in France. This year, more than 110 million U.S. adults watch a digital program using a connected TV. 

The Development of Radio:

The Development of Magazines and  Newspapers
In the past decade, the overwhelming majority of journalists believe the internet is to blame, plus the growing availability of information through mobile phones. That, at least, makes sense. But it cannot be the definitive reason because the gradual, but inexorable, circulation decline predated the widespread use of the net through the extension of broadband.

The Development of Video Games:

The Development of Websites and Social Media :


Myspace was the most popular social networking site in the US.

It will come as no surprise that Facebook reigns supreme in 2016 

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