Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Media Theorists Compacted

Lurla Mulvey-Male Gaze

Film represents women as a passive object of male desires.

Audiences are forced to view of the women  from the view of a heterosexual male ,  heterosexual  women or homosexual male

Bell Hooks-Colour Codes 

Lighter skinned women are more seen as beautiful and desirable women in the western ideology of beauty

Black women are objectified  and sexualised  in hip-hop and  seen as sexually disposable

Com-modified blackness  , meditated view on black culture that is considered the norm

Stuart Hall - Audience Reception Theory 

Audiences often blur races and classes. Often assorting races with set class

Audience reception  theory ;  audiences read/understand a particular text according  to  their culture up bringing

Western  (White dominated)  cultures.  continue to misinterpret ethnic  minorities in media due to underlying racist tendencies.

Stuart Hall - Black Characterizations in Media  

hall outlines three base images  of the "grammar of race" employed in "old movies".
the first slave  figure found in which ethier could take form of  "dependable  , loving  devoted"Mammy"  with rolling eyes  or the faithful  field hand  attached and devoted to "his" master  (Hall 1955:21)

Stuart Hall - the Narrative 

The second of Halls based images  the native. their primitive  nature means they are barbaric  , cheating ,  cunning and savage  to appear  any moment out of the darkness  to attack the beautiful heroine or kidnap children.

Stuart Hall - The Clown/ Entertainer 

The lasts of Halls variants is the clown or entertainer  , implying a  "innate" humor in the black man ether we laugh at the clown or with the clown  ; overt racism  is rare  in the media rather.

Audience Reception Theory 

Preferred reading  or dominant  reading  is a list of intentions listed by the creator or author  that may lead to dominant values through the text

Negotiated reading or subordinate it is a personal choice to accept the text or not while reading and may read through a  filter of there own personal agenda the individual may argue that particular groups are misrepresented

Opposition reading or Radical reading  audience members may reject the  the dominant code and social values that are produced.

Aberrant reading  is a different meaning  that intended by the maker  will be taken form the text. this could just be a individual member that they don't share.